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With a robust background in sports facility management and a deep-rooted passion for maritime ventures, Yousuf joined us to discuss his entry into the yachting industry. Driven by a blend of entrepreneurial acumen and a lifelong love for the sea, Yousuf is dedicated to setting new standards of excellence in yachting. His focus is on operational excellence, personalised service, and sustainability, with the aim of transforming PHOENIX YACHT MANAGEMENT into a leading name in luxury yachting and marine infrastructure development.

How did your professional journey begin?

My professional journey began immediately after I graduated from university in Montreal, where I studied Political Science. Shortly after, I launched my first venture in the sports sector, establishing the first indoor football facility in the UAE in 2009. This was an entirely separate endeavour from my academic path. Due to my political science background, I was approached by members of the Vice President of the UAE’s team to work within their international affairs department. I balanced this role with my business until 2012 when I made the decisive choice to fully commit to my entrepreneurial ambitions. This pivotal moment set the stage for everything that followed.

What specific experiences inspired you to venture into the yachting industry?

Investing in the yachting industry felt like a natural progression for me. I have always been passionate about the ocean and luxury experiences, so combining my entrepreneurial skills with my love for yachting just made sense. Growing up, I was surrounded by the maritime world. My father was heavily involved in the maintenance and repair of commercial ships, and he passed down his love for all things maritime to me. My uncle also played a significant role, introducing me to the joys of yachting and the thrill of being out on the open water.

As I grew older, my enthusiasm for the maritime world led me to pursue various hobbies that further fuelled my passion. Sailing became a significant part of my life, and I had the privilege of participating in prestigious regattas such as Cowes Week in the Isle of Wight and the Commodores Cup in Dubai. I also earned a Master Scuba Diver certification, completing over 300 dives in diverse locations ranging from the icy waters of Iceland to the tropical reefs of Borneo.

At some point, I began to realise that the marine industry, with its blend of luxury, adventure, and environmental stewardship, provided the perfect canvas to channel my skills and passions. This realisation set me on a path to explore the industry further, ultimately leading me to invest in PHOENIX YACHT MANAGEMENT.

How did you meet PHOENIX and what particularly attracted you to it?

I met Ian Harris, the founder of the company, during a charter trip to the Caribbean that I booked through PHOENIX. Our conversation ignited a spark, and I quickly realised that PHOENIX was exactly what I had been looking for—a company that aligned perfectly with my passions and professional goals. I was inspired by their innovative approach, their commitment to quality, and the incredible team with global experience. Their values resonated with me, particularly their focus on sustainable practices.

I became confident that my management skills and innovative business strategies, combined with PHOENIX’S high standards and professional expertise, can drive meaningful change and innovation within the field. I am eager to contribute to crafting extraordinary experiences for clients and to advance the luxury yachting scene in the UAE.

How do your previous experiences in the sports industry inform your approach to leadership and decision-making at PHOENIX?

My 15+ years of experience in sports facility management have significantly shaped my leadership and decision-making style. Running a successful business in such a competitive field taught me the importance of empowering my team. I believe that good leadership is about giving people the authority to make decisions and encouraging them to run with their ideas.

In the sports industry, adaptability and responsiveness are crucial. By fostering a culture of trust and autonomy, we benefit from diverse perspectives and create accountability that drives innovation. This approach empowers team members at PHOENIX to share insights and take initiative, similar to teamwork in sports, where every player’s contribution is key to success.

My background has also instilled a strong focus on performance metrics and goal-setting. I use data-driven approaches to assess progress and inform strategic decisions, ensuring we align with our vision while being ready to pivot as needed.

Ultimately, my experiences in sports have provided valuable insights into effective leadership, collaboration, and informed decision-making—skills that are essential as we explore the exciting opportunities within the yachting industry.

What personal challenges have you faced in transitioning to yachting, and how have you overcome them?

One of the main challenges I faced was the steep learning curve associated with understanding the intricacies of the yachting sector. The industry is vast and constantly evolving, with emerging trends, regulations, and technologies to stay updated on. However, instead of viewing this as a barrier, I embraced it as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. The connections I made at industry events and the wealth of knowledge I gained ignited my desire to dive deeper into yachting—understanding market dynamics, regulatory frameworks, and innovations in sustainability.

To overcome this challenge, I adopted a mindset of continuous learning and development. I’ve made it a priority to immerse myself in industry literature, attend seminars and workshops, and engage with experienced professionals who are willing to share their insights. Building a network of mentors and peers has been invaluable; their guidance has helped me navigate the complexities of the industry more effectively.

Ultimately, I believe that challenges should be embraced as stepping stones in one’s career. By maintaining an eagerness to learn and adapt, I have transformed initial hurdles into compelling opportunities that fuel my passion for yachting even further. This ongoing journey of exploration not only enhances my knowledge but also strengthens my commitment to making a meaningful impact in the industry.

What are your main goals for the future of PHOENIX YACHT MANAGEMENT?

My goal is to establish PHOENIX as a leading yachting company in the Middle East. I want to present a completely different kind of yachting experience to the local clientele, based on the ultimate level of service and a personalised approach. In the long term, I aspire to expand our fleet and presence in key markets, aligning with global trends and customer demands.

I am also keenly interested in the development of marine infrastructure in the UAE, particularly in creating ultra-modern refit facilities that can accommodate large superyachts. I believe this will attract more yachts to the region during the winter and mid-season and elevate the general attractiveness of marine infrastructure in the area to a whole new level.

How do you envision your legacy in the yachting industry? What do you hope to be known for?

I hope to contribute to the growth of professional yacht management in the Gulf region, focusing on enhancing service standards and operational practices. My goal is to establish a solid framework for yacht management that others can look to as a positive example.

I aspire to contribute to transforming the Gulf region into a premier charter destination, allowing yacht owners and charter clients to discover the unique beauty and hidden gems of the Gulf. Additionally, I want to support eco-friendly practices in yachting that protect our natural resources for generations to come.

Ultimately, I hope my efforts will encourage future leaders in the yachting industry to adopt innovative approaches to yacht operations. By supporting the growth of this sector, I aim to foster a sustainable and enriching future for yachting in the Gulf.

Is there a particular place or yacht destination that you dream of exploring?

I am keen on embarking on long explorer charters to both the Arctic and Antarctica. The Arctic’s fjords, glaciers, and wildlife, and Antarctica’s pristine ice landscapes and unique species have always fascinated me. Exploring these regions would not only be a rewarding experience but also align with my commitment to sustainability. I’m also planning diving expeditions in the Galápagos and Palau, where the rich marine biodiversity offers unparalleled experiences.